Aerobic helps you track your weekly minutes of training in zone 2. Zone 2 training is the most effective way of building your cardiovascular capacity for performance and health. This kind of training consists of exercising at an easy intensity for a relatively long time.

To train in zone 2, you need to exercise at an easy, yet consistent, pace. The best way to determine how fast you should go is the "talk test". This means, you should be able to maintain a conversation and speak in full sentences. Though, it shouldn't be very comfortable.

Once you have a few workouts of this kind under your belt, you'll be able to determine the heart-rate range in which you tend to be while performing these workouts. Aerobic uses a heart-rate range to compute your weekly minutes of zone 2 training. For best results, use you own observed heart-rate range to customize Aerobic's algorithms from the settings panel.

Make sure to give access to your health data in Settings.
